Get More Clients This Holiday Season! Discover How Email Marketing Can Help
4 min read
December 09, 2016

Hence the origin of email marketing, a type of commercial messaging that is aimed at attracting new clients, strengthening customer loyalty, building trust, and creating brand awareness. This strategy usually implies sending announcements, business requests, and offers via email to clients who are registered in a company's database.
In the case of email marketing, the main reason to implement it is that it constantly builds customer loyalty. Even if your line of business isn't the most favorable for sending promotions or discounts, it's always important to contact your customers so they know that you are there. In the case of special dates, a greeting can get you closer to your audience and create stronger relationships. Keep in mind that personalized content translates into friendly, warm messages. Therefore, it is recommended that you segment your customer databases to personalize the messages that you will send and in order to improve the results of your campaign.
Holiday marketing campaigns are usually a resounding success for any business, and the reasons to implement them are endless.
Another reason to apply this strategy is to increase sales opportunities. If you put together a well-organized calendar and prepare for special dates, you will be one step ahead of your competition. Remember that during the holiday season, people are more willing to buy, and they appreciate special discounts and promotions during that time more than ever, so email marketing is perfect if you want to prepare attractive offers for your clients. In this case, it's important to think about your target audience so you can adapt your proposals to their needs and achieve the best results.
The swiftness and possibility of "viralization" of email campaigns constitute one of its strongest assets. Considering that the message you will send to your clients needs to be attractive enough to grab their attention, you should be aware of the fact that content is everything. The creativity of the text and the design that you use for your message are very important. Don't forget that content is one of the main elements to take into account so your subscribers enjoy reading your email and feel compelled to share it. With this in mind, you should consider adding an option that allows clients to share it on social media or with a friend.
Now that you know the advantages of this strategy it's time to start building your own email marketing campaign.

Also, you should keep in mind that it's important to to stay abreast of your competition's actions and those of other businesses in your industry. Identify the strengths and weaknesses of their campaigns, take note of their successful actions, and think about how you can improve those that weren't as successful. Thanks to this analysis, you can perfect your plan of action and create a better strategy for your own campaign.
Once you have the results of your analysis and have made reasonable conclusions, your next step is to set clear goals for your email marketing campaign.
Remember that email marketing not only seeks to sell; it can also reinforce customer loyalty, attract more followers, and it allows you to create stronger relationships with your subscribers, clients, or allies.
Before you create your campaign, its purpose must be well defined, as this will be crucial to send a clear and specific message, thus assuring a better reception from your audience and a better understanding of the information, which means better results for your business.
A crucial aspect of the creation of email marketing campaigns is the establishment of a publishing schedule; this is especially true during the holiday season. It's important for you to consider that this season is long And email marketing campaigns are launched many days prior than just a few days, so if you want to get ahead of the competition, you need to schedule it in advance. For example, you can send a discount or offer two weeks before Christmas; a reminder a week before; and near or on Christmas day, a greeting or thank-you note on behalf of your company.
Undoubtedly, this medium and the time of the year are appropriate to send giveaways or coupons, but remember that every company will send emails on Christmas, so don't flood your clients' inboxes with emails. If you are afraid that your message will get buried among all the others, just think carefully about every detail and adjust it to your subscribers' preferences according to the previous analysis you performed.
Additionally, it is essential that you have a contact list with the name of each user so you can personalize your emails. Sending personalized emails, i.e., with the name of the recipient, creates a sense of proximity between you and the client and increases your reliability. Furthermore, make sure to use creative and original content to make your communication strategy stand out.
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